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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

4th of July - Can we just try?

So proud to be an American girl

But lately all I see is swirl

Divisive culture wars and ignorant hate

I hope it's not too late

I don't know your story and you don't know mine

But a part of me always thought that we'd be fine

If we had each other's backs and knew how lucky we are

But the racists have been given their stage

and the extremists are able to unleash their maniacal rage

It took a twenty-five year old aide to get up and fight

While the political game players shamelessly sit tight

How did a health pandemic become a culture war?

I take news breaks and try to hang on to my core

And remember that our history is worth fighting for

I'm grateful to be a woman in the U.S.A.

and I'm thankful to our troops every single day

A civil war is not a good look

If you're stirring the pot, you're not off the hook

Our democracy is in trouble and it pains me to see

I hope that people will come clean and protect the land of the free

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