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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

Crying on my Cruiser

The whole Glitter and Grind concept is based on the good and bad of humanity all transpiring in the same five minutes on the same block in NYC. Perhaps this concept is relevant in all geographies. On Saturday, I had a nasty spill on my bike. It was the type of fall where you have about a second to realize that you're going down, and then you're looking up from the ground while laying on your side with your bike on top of you. There were a couple of cars that stopped and offered to help. And one gentleman did stop and helped me up. Thank you for your kindness, sir. In contrast to the nice guy , a couple of screeching "Karens" in a convertible slowed down to start screaming at me or maybe they were screaming at the guy. I'll never know. I'm done asking what is wrong with people. The tears, frustration and pain go into a well, and fill my head with stories to tell. So really, I thank you for the material! By the way, this poem is is dedicated to the pissed off "drive by" ladies on Saturday.

Your convertible is red

And your soul is dead

You scream at me while I'm on the ground

Remember - what goes around comes around

When you're discussing your pool day and judging the human race

Know that your trashy rants do nothing for your face

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4 opmerkingen

10 feb. 2022

Glad you are OK....Love your poem....When people are mean-spirited it eventually finds a way to carve itself in their faces....their features begin to show the "ugliness" inside...Karma is a beautiful thing!

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
17 feb. 2022
Reageren op

True! The poisonous people destroy themselves.


Gary Rosado
Gary Rosado
10 feb. 2022

Hope you're ok ! There are Some really cruel people out there, be careful. Great poem. You should do more.

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
17 feb. 2022
Reageren op

Thanks Gary - I'm excited to re-charge and do a photography/ poetry theme moving forward! More creative. Always appreciate your input.

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