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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

Grace Place - breaking the poverty cycle

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

I have been volunteering at Grace Place for Children and Families, which is an educational non-profit in Golden Gate, Florida. Grace Place was founded in 2004 and offers educational programs to multi-generational families to break the cycle of poverty through education. Interestingly enough, Golden Gate is the neighboring city of Naples, Florida - which is one of the wealthiest cities in the country. The golf courses, beaches and million dollar homes in Naples are a stark contrast to Golden Gate's four square mile perimeter and second highest poverty level in the state of Florida. (Immokalee is the highest) I am giving a big shout out to my contact, Chrissie Missal, who is the Manager of Annual Giving, and has an infectious energy and spirt to her. It's always satisfying to deal with people who have figured out how to have a passion for their craft and are also responsive with the day to day details. I've been working the food pantry on Fridays and would like to share some photos of the crew and campus below. Although education is at the core of Grace Place and its mission, the Food Pantry, which is the largest food distribution point for the Harry Chapin Food Bank in Collier County, supports Grace Place's mission by meeting the basic need for nourishment and health. What many do not know is the residents of Golden Gate City live in a food desert. Just last year the food pantry distributed 970,420 pounds of food to over 7,000 individuals. If you would like to volunteer, donate or just learn more, please check out:

4300 21st Ave. SW

Naples, FL. 34116

(239) 255 - 7200

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2 comentários

07 de set. de 2021

When we give our time....from the heart....we add to our own "grace" and dignity....Nice job, Heather...xoxo

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
07 de set. de 2021
Respondendo a

Thank you Francesca. Well said. I do believe that bringing joy to a child's life and genuinely being interested in their life is a form of grace.

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