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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

Gratitude, glitter and grind for the holidays

The season of reflection is upon us. The world's tree of life is being tested daily. Living your day to day in an endless pandemic is not easy. Let's have each other's backs and enter 2022 with an open heart and good health. Whether you're surviving or thriving, your story matters and there are universal truths that will never die. Follow your path and let your true colors shine. Adapt, evolve and see you down the road in 2022! Thank you for your support and friendship. I appreciate you! xoxo Your Glitter and Grind Girl

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6 comentários

Gary Rosado
Gary Rosado
24 de dez. de 2021

Nice! The tree of life is one of my favorite symbols.

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
24 de dez. de 2021
Respondendo a

Hey Gary! I never knew that. Same here - I love what it represents.


22 de dez. de 2021

Did you make the Tree of Life? It is beautiful...I absolutely love it!

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
22 de dez. de 2021
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