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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

"The Sunrise, You and the Blue Canoe"

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

The sun is rising and I'm thinking about you

Waiting for me in the blue canoe

I don't need Paris, diamonds or the Gucci belt

Just that look that you give that makes me melt

This is our yacht and it's all we need

If we hold on to our truth our love will succeed

I still get butterflies when you walk down the street

Still love you honey for bringing the heat

It's a whale of a world with so much to pursue

But all I need is the sunrise, you and the blue canoe

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2 comentários

23 de ago. de 2022

Love this...Sunrise filled with love! Perfect...

Heather Holahan
Heather Holahan
23 de ago. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thank you Francesca. Always appreciate your feedback.

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