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  • Writer's pictureHeather Holahan

The commute across the hallway

How is everyone doing with working from home? Are you in a cozy sweatshirt in front of your laptop now? I personally like my situation because I'm working my NYC job at Digitas (Go Unicorns) and get to do it from Naples, Florida. I moved down here when the pandemic hit to quarantine and here we are eighteen months later. I personally feel like I'm more productive this way. I don't have any distractions, and I literally walk across the hallway to get to work. That's on the opposite spectrum of packing into the subway every day. I've been off camera on Teams for a year. I was recently working a job fair and realized that I had to put some make up on that day to get on camera! My facilities team recently sent a box of goodies that was in my locker for 18 months (including my orange - not as horrific looking as you may think)

I still have my metro card and some reminders of the hustle. Ok peeps - walk down the hall and get to work. Stay strong. Would love to hear some WFH stories.

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